These pictures are from early January when my dad took my sister and I to Key West's southern-most point. This was the view of the sunset from the southernmost dock!
Southern-most hotel-house thingy. I forgot the name, but it looked like a colorful Addams family mansion, and I saw a bunny in the bushes!!
The tide was very strong when we got there, it sprayed us with icy water. The dock was lined with coral rocks.
There's a market very near where we live, The Yellow-Green Farmer's Market, to be exact; that my mom, my friend jessica and I visited a whiiile back. Like, when it was still cold. In florida.
Jessica is distracted by all the awesome placed in this market. Like, seriously. Too much awesome to handle, bro.
This old-fashioned Chrysler was on display and I, well, to put it bluntly....
SO. MUCH. TEA. I wanted to buy it aallllllll! I opted for an nice fruity green tea brew, though :)
They had these manicans all over the rafter of the huge warehouse where the market's held every weekend.
We bought these lucky trinkets from the Mystik Sisters shop there! Jessica and I know the owner, she's wonderful!
This is the inside of a very large temple in which Jessica and I went to see a seraphic fire concert. It was beautiful, to put it dimly! Sadly this is the only non-blury picture from the entire night...
A few weeks later I found myself in the $1 book section of my library purchasing these lovely things! I have yet to finish reading Mystery! (And renting all the seasons of said TV special), but Big Fish is a must-read.
And that's all for now! One thing I really miss doing this summer is taking random pictures. I've been so caught up in being my mother's designated blog photographer that I seem to have forgotten the joys of capturing ordinary and beautiful moments for myself. Hopefully that'll change soon.
With Love,

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