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I've made so many senior citizen jokes in the last month it's getting unhealthy

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 | 9:27 AM

So, as you all know, it's my senior year of high school. Yay! Time for easy classes and parties every weekend, time for boys and no homework and not worrying at all about ANYTHING!

All sarcasm aside, it's been going pretty well thus far! Signing up for my SAT/ACT respectfully, getting on them scholarships and grants and generally freaking out about the future in random fits of stress and excitement characterize my days, but I still have yet to have been reduced to a 'unwashed hoodie with jeans' sort of girl! Here are two of the first outfits I wore to school, and why they were memorable:

This was me on the first day of school! I love the ballerina-type skirt that i stole from my mom's closet. 
The moment that I walked out of the car towards the school and begun to feel nervous and insecure, I passed through a group of ghetto-girls and heard an immediate hollering of ""woo! Cinderella skirt!" followed by hyena-esque laughter. 
And that's when I knew I was home.

This is one of the few outfits I bragged about with my non-fashionista friends, because while I had picked out the skirt and the orange belt; I couldn't find a shirt to match! Suddenly I pulled this one out and found that the colors matched perfectly!! It was a miracle enough to make my entire day.

I've been so busy with rehearsals everyday after school that i haven't captured many of my outfits on my camera, but honestly the experience is so worth it. I feel giddly happy, and I hope my year can stay this way.
With Love and some nerves,
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